March 29 Friday – Sam and Livy, the children and their nurse, Rosa, left New York and took the ten-hour train trip to Elmira, arriving at Mrs. Langdon’s [MTLE 3: 34; Susan Crane to Paine, June 14, 1911, The Twainian, Nov.-Dec.1956 p4].
Clemens began a letter to Denis McCarthy, which he finished Apr. 7. Sam had received a letter from Denis in Virginia City about putting up $190 for the Nevada Bank to keep some stock speculation. Sam wrote: “Not any more speculations for this financial mud-turtle” [MTLE 3: 39].
March 29–April 4 Thursday – Sometime between these days Sam made a quick trip to Fredonia to see his mother and family. He also briefly visited David Gray and wife in Buffalo [MTLE 3: 44]. He wrote David Gray on Apr. 10 that he’d had a:
“…perfectly enchanting time at your house [and a] delightful visit in Fredonia, & a horrid night-trip to New York” [MTLE 3: 44; Susan Crane to Paine, June 14, 1911, The Twainian, Nov.-Dec.1956 p4].