August 20, 1878 Tuesday

August 20 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Lucerne to Frank Bliss about Twichell inspiring him for a “better plan” for the book. Sam wouldn’t go to work “in earnest until…Munich in November.” The plan and title of the book were a secret, Sam wrote. He’d had rheumatism for two months, but had gotten the better of it. For a few months mail could be sent in care of Edward Meigs Smith, Lang’s Hotel, Heidelberg [MTLE 3: 77].

Sam also wrote his mother, and sister about travels with Joe (see Aug. 10 entry). The “tribe” was well, but they had all been sick at one time or another since leaving home. He also wrote that Livy and Clara Spaulding had:

…gone excursioning around the lake in a steamboat, to-day, with the Courier, & Twichell is away on a 3-days trip in the neighboring Alps by himself. I begged off from these dissipations; I had a good many letters to write [MTLE 3: 78].

…came into Switzerland a week or ten days ago…I loathe all travel except on foot—& rheumatism has barred that to a considerable extent. [MTLE 3: 78].

Sam also wrote to Frank Fuller, asking him to attend the creditors’ meeting for the failure of Slote, Woodman & Co, if Sam’s attorney, Charles Perkins wanted it. Only three days before the failure Sam loaned Slote $5,000 [MTNJ 2: 392n119]. Still, Sam had no hard feelings or negative judgments at this time about Dan Slote, because he wrote that Slote wanted to take the scrapbook “& run it by himself. I should prefer that.” Sam also revealed that the family had been there a couple of weeks but would leave the next day “for a wide flight” and expected to “winter in Munich” [MTLE 3: 79].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.