August 23 Friday – Sam and Twichell said goodbye to the family and left Interlaken. They ate lunch at an inn in the village of Frutigen [Rodney 106], then reached Kandersteg, Switzerland about sundown, where Sam wrote Livy about his walks with Joe and the custom of bowing to German families, though he had a backache [MTLE 3: 80]. Livy, the children and servants continued on to Geneva [Rodney 106]. The trip for the men would start with a five-day tour. From Sam’s notebook: “Drove in rain around Lake Thun[er] to Kandersteg.” The two stayed in a Kandersteg inn [MTNJ 2: 143; Rodney 106].
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Day By Day Acknowledgment
Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.