September 8, 1879 Monday

September 8 Monday  Sam wrote a short note from Elmira to Mary H. Beale, who evidently was seeking employment. “…my correspondence is not voluminous enough to make a short-hand amanuensis necessary, & in my other work I am obliged to use the pen myself” [MTLE 4: 91].

Sam also wrote to Frank Bliss, who had been trying to break away from his father’s American Publishing Co. and had been encouraged by Sam. Now it seemed Frank was unable to do this, so Sam wanted to make it clear that if he returned to American Publishing “they shall not canvas any books but mine between this present date & a date 9 months after the actual publication & issue of my forthcoming book.” Sam was gradually taking more and more control of the publishing end of the business. Sam added that the manuscript he’d sent was not finished, but that he’d finish it in Elmira. He mentioned the violation of contract on Innocents Abroad, putting it off a “whole year…in order to run in two new books.” He added after his signature: “This letter is not dictated by malice, but only in the interest of ‘business’ ” [MTLE 4: 92].

Sam also wrote to the Hartford Flag Committee and E.S. Cleveland, sending them $25 for the “good cause” they represented.

“There is nothing nobler than for religion to support patriotism; & nothing wiser than for both to uphold & encourage domestic economy—therefore I subtract this sum from the pew rent” [MTLE 4: 93].

At “about noon” [MTNJ 2: 342] Sam also wrote a short note to William Dean Howells.

“Are you dead—or only sleepeth?” [MTLE 4: 94]

Susan & Charles Dudley Warner wrote to Sam and Livy in Elmira, thanking Livy for her dress and asking when they would come to Hartford, among other things. Charles added one small paragraph [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.