December 8, 1879 Monday 

December 8 Monday  In Hartford, Sam responded to the Nov. 30 insulting letter from Thomas B. Kirby, private secretary to the Postmaster General, about Sam’s objections to the new postal regulations, which ran in the Hartford Courant. Sam’s hilarious response to Kirby was also sent to the editor of the Courant, and was printed there Dec. 9 [MTLE 4: 170].

Livy wrote to her mother:

It has been a rainy day here, this morning I taught the children for nearly two hours…They are so delightful to teach for they enjoy it so very much…First we have a reading lesson in German…then Geography…then mental arithmetic…in the middle of the lessons somewhere we have bean bags or gymnastics, and one day they sewed a little—I do enjoy my forenoons with them so very much [Salsbury 112].

Frank Fuller wrote from NYC to Sam: “Just came from Paillard’s. [Musical box Co.] He says he can’t possibly send his music box sharp up to you till sometime after New Years as they are all busy with holiday work. He has only one thorough expert, & knows of no other” [MTP]. Note: a card for M.J. Paillard & Co., NYC is in the file.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.