December 25, 1879 Thursday 

December 25 Thursday – Christmas ­ Susy Clemens received a copy of Alvan Bond’s Young People’s Illustrated Bible History (1878) from her grandmother, Olivia Lewis Langdon [Gribben 77]. Sam received a copy of Moritz Busch’s Bismark in the Franco-German War 1870-1871 from his nephew, Samuel Moffett [Gribben 119].

Sam replied to the Dec. 20 of John Munro, of New Brunswick, Canada. Munro wrote that he’d heard Sam was “troubled with twins,” and enclosed something on how to raise them successfully []. Sam answered:

“My twins (born three years apart) are happily past that stage, but I thank you all the same for your receipt, as does one of our neighbors, who is in a position to take advantage of it” [MTLE 4: 184]. Note: sold on eBay 310090576701 Oct 2008.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.