July 4, 1882 Tuesday

July 4 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to R. Christie, who evidently had asked Sam what his first book was. He answered that his first was now out of print, The Jumping Frog, and that it was “sharply criticised” [MTP]. Sam’s remark fits with his continued belief that the book had not sold (see Apr. 29 to May 2, 1867 entries for Webb’s swindle).

Put-In-Bay Island Wine Co. of Ohio billed Sam $16.10 for half barrel, 24 & ½ gal. Concord wine, forwarded by boat to Cleveland; paid Aug. 10 [MTP]. Note: This was probably a gift for the Fairbankses. Sam made a similar purchase from this company on Mar. 10, 1881, shipped to Hartford. It’s likely he enjoyed the wine on a past visit to Cleveland.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.