July 14, 1882 Friday

July 14 Friday – The Clemens family boarded a special railroad car and left New York for the ten-hour trip to Elmira [MTNJ 2: 490n198]. They had to make a “hurried & abrupt” meeting with Charles and Annie Webster at the hotel before leaving, due to Jean’s needs and Livy’s backache [July 16 letter to Webster].

In Toronto, Canada, Howells wrote to Sam that the Mallory brothers were after him for the play which eventually became Colonel Sellers as a Scientist [MTHL 1: 410].

Mitchell & Kinzler for Hotel Brunswick billed Sam for the family’s overnight stay on July 13 totaling $38.95. This was forwarded from Hartford to Elmira [MTP].

N.G. Hinckley, Hartford debt collector of school taxes wrote to Sam that they’d rec’d his check but it was 60¢ short [MTP].

Charles E.S. Wood for West Point wrote to Sam, having rec’d his letter the day or two before, “and the White Elephant came today… I have already very much enjoyed looking over it,” noting older and newer stories he hadn’t seen. He still had more than 20 copies of 1601 on hand [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.