July 18, 1882 Tuesday

July 18 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Charles Webster.


Don’t forget to send me Bliss’s check

Please send me ½ dozen of my small scrap-books—size of this page or somewhat larger.

Mrs Moffett offers me her Watch stock at par. I suppose it is well enough to take it, isn’t it? [MTBus 191].

Arnold, Constable & Co. sent Sam a billing statement for $21.70 for various articles of clothing, with a payment rc’d stamp for July 26 [MTP].

James R. Osgood wrote to Sam (Thomas William Clarkeatty. to Osgood July 13 & 17 enclosed). “After receiving No. 1 I wrote asking if he included in his estimate the expense of a defending counsel. No. 2 is his answer” (it did not). “It appears from these letters that his lowest estimate of cost is $1100 and from that to $1500 or more. What do you say?” [MTP]. Note: Clarke’s letters reveal that this was to “pursue the Chicago case”; Sam wrote on the env., “Law prices for a trademark suit”

William H. Gillette wrote: “Yours of 13th came last night. If you leave the matter of buying you out to my preference I shall decide against it—for it is a pleasure to me to have you interested….Your views upon the godly Mallorys are sound…It would be a pretty tableau to have them up a tree—but not altogether easy for they can smell danger at 900 yards” [MTP]. Note: Sam had fronted Gillette $3,000 at the beginning of his stage career.

Charles Eliot Norton wrote from Ashfield, Mass.: “Howells has just sent me your note to him, and I write at once to do my best to put you at ease in regard to coming this summer to Ashfield. I am truly disappointed that I am again to lose the pleasure of a visit from you…” [MTP].

Worden & Co. wrote to advise they’d sold 200 shares Wabash [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.