March 1, 1885 Sunday

March 1 Sunday – Washington, D.C.: George W. Cable wrote home that he spent the day with friends “Carrie Henderson & her husband Lieut. Wadhams.” Cable wrote: “Clemens was with us. I got him out to church at last!” [Turner, MT & GWC 114].

From Sam’s notebook:

In October, I will go to Pittsfield & read “Mental Telegraphy” to the Young Ladies Club—a promise made to Miss Dawes. Mch 1/85 [MTNJ 3: 99 & n106].

Note: See Oct. 7, 1885 entry. Miss Anna Laurens Dawes, daughter of Senator Henry L. Dawes of Mass., was a Washington correspondent from Pittsfield, Mass.

John Henry Boner (1845-1903) wrote from Wash. DC “Let me thank you once more for your kind words, written and spoken. Farewell—and joy be with you” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.