February 1885

February – A chapter from Huck Finn, “Royalty on the Mississippi, As Chronicled by Huckleberry Finn” ran in the Feb. issue of the Century Magazine, p.544-67 [Camfield, bibliog.]. The same magazine also ran the third of three small (approx. 3” x 4”) display ads, announcing MARK TWAIN’S NEW WORK, with Kemble’s picture of Huck Finn doffing straw hat, “sold only by subscription, agents wanted, Chas. Webster” etc. [MTP, 1884-5 financial files].

Sam wrote a short note to Orion from an unknown place:

“Don’t show that to Ma if it would make her impatient & set her mind to running on such a thing as a so far distant visit” [MTP].

Sam also mentioned the Travelers Insurance Co., and said they “give away those books, they don’t sell them.” This may have been the in-house magazine that Sam once submitted a poem for, “The House That Twain Built” (see 1877 beginning entry).

Early in the month, Charles Webster notified Sam that Huck Finn pre-sales had reached the 40,000 mark [Perry 143]. A month later, things really looked up (see Mar. 16 entry).

Sometime during the month Sam also wrote again from the Everett House in New York to Charles Webster, who must have been out of town. Pond had asked Sam if his brother Homer Pond could become the book agent for Kansas. Sam asked Webster not to forget Homer.

“There are 80,000 Grand Army veterans resident in Kanzas. [sic] & Homer Pond is Grand Commander ” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.