March 24, 1885 Tuesday

March 24 Tuesday – The Howellses put on a tea for Livy Clemens. In his Mar. 19 letter moving up the date for the Tavern Club gathering with Sam, Howells wrote:

Mrs. Clemens must not think we are putting up much of a party on her. It will be short and sharp, and she will feel better when it is over. Don’t let her be tired by apprehension of it. We are joyous to think of seeing you both [MTHL 2: 523-4].

George W. Galloway, M.D. (1846-1893) wrote from Ft. Collins, Colo. to ask where he might obtain a “nicely bound copy” of TS, a book read to him during a convelescence by a woman who later became his wife [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote they’d sold 1,500 HF’s since Saturday night. “What did Genl Grant say about those matters Sunday?” [MTP]

 James Hanson Larned wrote from Hartford offering poems for publication, one enclosed which used the F-word twice [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “An obscene lunatic”

John Lewis RoBards replied to Sam’s question about Mount Olivet Cemetery, public or private? He sent the by-laws for Sam to read [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “This was always a poor well meaning ass—& at last has gone & stuck that big B in the middle of his name!”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.