March 25, 1885 Wednesday 

March 25 Wednesday  Sam’s article, “The Carson Fossil-Footprints” was re-printed in the Sacramento Record–Union. The Twainian article speculates that this article, which was misdated by Merle Johnson in his 1935 bibliography, was planted by Sam as a way of promoting Huckleberry Finn, and because he knew an old friend on the staff of the paper [May-June, 1949 p1]. Note: Budd’s list, furnished by Thomas Tenney, shows this piece for 1884 in The San Franciscan as cited by Branch. Camfield also lists it as Feb. 16, 1884 in that paper.

Andrew Chatto wrote to thank Sam for giving them the preference in making an offer for the English edition of General Grant’s Autobiography [MTP].

George P. Lathrop wrote from NYC to urge Sam to take part in readings by authors at Madison Square to raise money for the Copyright League [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.