May 1885

May  Sam’s article “What Ought he to Have Done?” ran in the May issue of Babyhood [Lou Budd’s list furnished by Thomas Tenney and citing Branch]. Note: this piece also ran in The Christian Union, July 16, 1885 [Camfield, bibliog.]. It was also reprinted in the July 21 Courant as “Mark Twain on the Government of Children.” Susy Clemens reported that upon reading the piece, Livy was “shocked and a little displeased” [MTB 820].

Sam’s notebook listed the German titles of three works by Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883)—translated, A Daughter of Russia; First Love; Spring Floods. Beneath these is listed Berthold Auerbach’s (1812-1882) melodramatic novel of illicit love, Auf der Hohe (1865) [Gribben 719; 31]. Also listed is the name of Karl Friedrich Becker’s children’s book about Greek myths, Erzahlungen aus der alten Welt fur die Jugend (1810) [MTNJ 3: 148]. Also in his notebook, “Boots & Saddles, E.B. Custer” [Gribben 169]. NoteElizabeth B. Custer (1844-1933).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.