May 27, 1885 Wednesday 

May 27 Wednesday  From New York City, Sam wrote a letter of introduction for Charles Webster to take with him overseas, in the securing of foreign publishers for the Grant book. Although Grant owned the foreign rights to the memoirs, Sam wanted to establish contracts with foreign publishers to protect copyright. This letter was not to any specific person [MTP].

From Sam’s notebook:

Called on Postmaster Pierson (New York City)—a very young man—is 42—but I have already made this note.)

Then called on Dr. Norvin Green, President of the Western Union Telegraph Co & had a long talk about James W. Paige’s printing telegraph. One of the Virginian Wises was there—a very pleasant gentleman. We were on good terms once, because one of my tribe of Clemenses shot one of his tribe of Wises in a duel once—or was shot himself by a Wise, I don’t remember which [MTNJ 3: 153].

Thomas & Anna Fitch wrote from San Francisco, having just read P&P and HF. He thought P&P was timeless. “You have money enough. Instead of ‘pot boilers’ why don’t you write antoehr such a book as” P&P [MTP].

Karl Gerhardt wrote that he’d “chased after” Sam to show him the Beecher bust but missed him [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.