June 7, 1885 Sunday 

June 7 Sunday – The last entry in Sam’s “A Record of the Small Foolishnesses of Susie & ‘Bay’ Clemens (Infants),” was made this day.

Livy Clemens’ diary:

“I am reading with great interest George Elliott [Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)’s Life by her husband J.W. Cross.] It is most delightful….The only thing in the book that annoys me is her constant mentions of her ill health.”

Notes: Sam undoubtedly read or discussed this book with his wife, and in late Oct. 1885 entered in his notebook the idea of writing an article about such “whines & complaints” of authors [Gribben 217]. Eliot (1819-1880), not to be confused with George W. Elliott or George W. Elliot.

Livy began this diary as a log for visitors, the first of whom was entered on Oct. 26, 1877. On this day she wrote:

“This book was strarted for a visitors book but—as we always forget to ask visitors to write in it—As ‘I’ have gone from Nov 16th 1880 until now, unused—will try to make some use of it.”

Livy then wrote about Harriet Beecher Stowe, “so gentle and lovely,” bringing her flowers [MTP].

Karl Gerhardt wrote: Sam’s of June 4 to Josie arrived late; he wouldn’t be able to talk to Webster until return from Peekskills; this day he got to observe Beecher in the pulpit; a colossal (8’) stature of Gen. Grant to be made [MTP].

** Jane Clemens & Pamela Moffett wrote of family doings and the wish to see the children play P&P [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.