June 13, 1885 Saturday 

June 13 Saturday – Livy recounted the day’s activities in her diary:

This morning the last day of the childrens examination, Clara passed a most excellent examination in her Geography. Susy told the story of Cupid and Psyche in Latin, Miss Foote asking her questions. Susy gave what I think without partiality was a brilliant recitation in Ancient History. She talked for fully an hour with an occasional question from Miss Foote, telling us in a most concise and felicitous way about what she had been going over in this last Winter. Describing what History is—about the races of men, about Egypt, Assyria & Babylonia, Phenicia &c &c &c….

After dinner which we ate on the Ombra we took a drive in the long carriage, first taking Jean a little way, then bringing her home as it was her bed time. In the evening Mr & Mrs G. Warner & Miss Price came in. Lilly going home after a little, Miss Price and Mr Warner staying for whist. After we had played four games Mr & Mrs Charles Warner came he having just returned from a long trip away. A little later Dr. Smith and Miss Corey came….We had a jolly remainder of the evening, eating ice cream hearing and telling funny stories of which latter Mr Clemens was full [MTP].

A bill of $51.85 from Roberson & Wiley of Ft. Scott, Kansas to J.B. Pond for H.W. Pond [Homer Pond] for “1 donkey shipped to Elmira” – Sam reimbursed Homer for the animal for his children to ride [MTP].

William H. Avery wrote from Lamar, Mo. about John (Judge) Main, a 65 yr old man worth 100k to 250k. Avery thought Main could be “valuable” to Sam, though besides interesting reminiscences he doesn’t say how [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.