June 15, 1885 Monday

June 15 Monday – The New York Times ran a short note on page 3 under “Literary Notes” that volume one of Grant’s memoirs would not be out till December and the second volume about March, 1885.

C.L. Webster…will go to Europe to arrange simultaneous issues in several other languages, besides French, German, and Italian.

In Hartford, Sam inscribed a copy of Huck Finn to an unidentified person [MTP].

The family was preparing for the summer move to Elmira. From Livy’s diary for this day:

A busy day getting picking up done and articles put together for our Summer absence. Down town immediately after lunch taking Clara with me to hear a talk with Mr Blasius about as to how she is to practice on her violin this Summer. The “blessed Miss Jane” of course went too. She has been with Patrick nearly the entire afternoon, riding seeing him milk the cows and so on.

Just after we had finished our dinner on the Ombra Lilly and Mr Warner came, he to say good bye as he goes to New York tonight—and will not return until we are gone. While Lilly was still here Harmony and Joe came they staid and visited with us until Mr Dunham, Sally and Molly came after a little. We went into the Library having two tables of whist players. A most delightful evening—the Dunhams the Warners & Miss Price. Mr Charles Warner played with us this evening [MTP].

Livy also wrote of a discussion she had with Charles Dudley Warner about charity work for some Indians at Hampton, New York; she agreed to pay half of the cost for a cottage there, $250.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.