June 24, 1885 Wednesday

June 24 Wednesday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Charles Webster. By this time the family may have removed to Quarry Farm. He asked Webster to follow up on a “little water heater” that Livy had purchased in New York “at a small Japanese store between Aitkin’s & Arnold & Constable’s.” The heater was to have been expressed to Elmira but hadn’t come. Livy didn’t know the name or address of the store, Sam confided [MTP].

Sam also replied to the June 21 from Courtlandt Palmer; letter not extant; referred to in reply of June 27.

Samantha Bowie wrote from Shakers, N.H. to thank Sam for the books that Dean Sage “so unexpectedly presented” to her yesterday [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “One of the Shaker Sisters”

Charles H. Clark wrote to thank Sam for his “kind interest in Mr Fewsmith” [MTP]. NoteJoseph Fewsmith had been a classmate of Twichell’s and sought a book agency in NJ (see June 17 to Webster); the Joseph and Millie Fewsmith befriended the Gerhardts in Paris.

Frederick D. Grant wrote from Mt McGregor, disclosing his polite answer to the enclosed Winegar Albion Tourgée to Gen. Badeau June 10 [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Col. Fred Grant—enclosing Judge Tourgie’s foolish letter to General Badeau”

Karl Gerhardt wrote from Hotel Balmoral, Mt. McGregor, NY that he’d had the first sitting for the Grant child of Mr. & Mrs Jesse Grant this a.m. and of their desire for a statue of Gen. Grant seated as the Napoleon statue [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.