July 1885

July – Frank M. Scott was hired as a cashier and bookkeeper by Webster & Co. He had previously worked for Haney & Co. of Newark, N.J. Scott was arrested for embezzlement on Mar. 11, 1887 [N.Y. Times, Mar. 18, 1887, p.5, “Confessions of a Thief”].

Sam wrote Mary Harriott Norris’ name in his notebook 24, but didn’t indicate that he’d read her novels [Gribben 509]. He also alluded to Arthur Penrhyn Stanley’s (1815-1881) Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, noting events there, in preparation for CY [657].

Sam noted to “inquire for Gen Wallace,” (Lewis Wallace, author of Ben Hur) about a Turkish railroad investment [Gribben 734]. He also noted “The Children’s Crusade to Palestine,” referring to Charles Mackay’s (1814-1889) Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) [MTNJ 2: 168]. Sam repeated the entry in Aug. 1885.

July, before the 23rd – Sometime before Grant’s death Sam sent a petition statement advocating an International Copyright Law to Richard R. Bowker, asking him to ask Charles Webster to lay the petition before Grant for his signature [MTP]. Sam composed the petition, perhaps by request, and sent it to Bowker to get the ball rolling. He may have referred to this petition in his undated Sunday-in-July letter to Webster: “If Gen. Grant signs that paper,” etc. (See entry.) Note: Bowker, Vice President of the American Copyright League, was known as the “original Mugwump” because he had organized a “Young Scratcher” movement to oppose Alonzo Barton Cornell’s run for the governorship of New York back in 1879. The Mugwumps figured in the outcome of the presidential campaign of 1884, Sam among them.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.