July 4, 1885 Saturday 

July 4 Saturday – Sam wrote a short note from Elmira to Jesse Grant.

I got back last night, & am detained here for the present, but shall reach New York Wednesday or Thursday evening to ask some questions & get some information—further information, for the satisfying of hard-headed business men—& then I shall hope to see you [MTP].

In the evening the Langdons and the Clemenses watched fireworks from the hilltop of Quarry Farm [Sam to Gerhardt, July 5]. Also, from Livy’s diary:

On the 4th of July Charlie and Ida with the children came up to dinner and to have some fire works in the evening. Mother had been here since the day before. Charlie set off the fire works as soon as it was dark, quite a number from outside gathered to see them. They were exceedingly pretty. Two carriage loads drove down after the fire works—I felt a little anxious about Charlie’s horses as they seemed quite restive as they started away, but they arrived at home safely [Salsbury 203].

Hotel Normandie, New York, billed Sam for his one-day stay the night of July 2: “1 day $4; restau 2.85; telegrams 1.00; cash $10, $5, carriage to depot 1.50” total bill $24.35 paid July 9 [MTP]. The New York Times reported Sam was staying at the Hotel Normandie [“Personal Intelligence,” p2]. Note: such local notices were usually one day after the fact.

Karl Gerhardt wrote that Jesse Grant had “just returned and likes the idea of the subscription for statue very much. He thinks $5000 will cover the expense of the whole thing and will give you ½ interest” [MTP].

Jesse R. Grant wrote he’d intended to write out “a general idea of my plan” but since they would meet in NY soon he would “defer the description until then. / I feel that you will enter into the Turkish Railway with the same enthusiasm that I have felt” He referenced a telegram from Clemens, not extant [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.