July 24, 1885 Friday

July 24 Friday – Sam wrote from New York City to Livy:

Livy darling, I reached here so drowsy & dull with railroading that I forgot to telegraph you till 9 o’clock; so I was probably too late with it, considering the slowness of the Western Union service.

      I woke refreshed about half past eight; & now am through with today’s business & ready to take the 4.30 train for Hartford.

      The second volume was finished last week, to the last detail; & was formally delivered to Charley Webster at Mt. McGregor last Saturday [July 18]. General Grant having not another interest in this world to live for, died. He would have died three months ago if his book had been completed. I am satisfied of that.

      I love you darling, more than ever I can tell [MTP].

Sam went to Hartford for undisclosed business. How long he stayed there is not yet documented.

The New York Times ran “How the Memoirs Were Written,” on page 6, which explained Sam’s role in obtaining the publishing contract, the composition process, and issues of piracy.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.