July 25, 1885 Saturday

July 25 Saturday – From Sam’s notebook:

Home (Hartfd) July 25/85 (Saturday) noon. James W. Paige has just told me that I can dispose of his telegraphing machine & have half of the proceeds for my trouble. Each of us is to give a certain share of said result to Hammersley [MTNJ 3: 170].

Fred Grant traveled from Mt. McGregor to New York City to tour proposed sites for the burial of his father. The family had made no decisions about a burial place even yet [Perry 229]. Sam may have made suggestions to Fred, but could not have been on site during the tour.

Western Union Telegraph Co.’s July 1 bill shows telegrams sent this date to New York, Elmira [MTP].

J.J. Frater wrote from Chattanooga to ask for a set of his books for the YMCA [MTP].

Karl Gerhardt wrote: “Mr Newman tells me he is constantly receiving telegrams from sculptors who wish to use his influence for casting the [death] mask.” He’d rec’d compliments his mask was “fine” [MTP].

L. McKinley wrote from Hartford to ask for a loan of $35 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.