August 1, 1885 Saturday 

August 1 Saturday – Sam went to New York, probably to see Charles Webster sail for EuropeHe went to arrange English and European editions of Grant’s Memoirs, and to feel out foreign investment interest in the Paige typesetter [MTNJ 3: 131n13]. Frederick J. Hall was temporarily head of Webster & Co., while Charles was in England [MTNJ 3: 191].

Park & Tilford, New York, billed $2 for “5 Oolong tea”; paid Aug. 15 [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote about a complication involving a photo of Gen. Grant “that was in Mrs Jesse Grant’s hands & which we intended for our De-Luxe Edition. An artist by the name of Howe appeared for the Century Co. and took the photo” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote from Willoughby, Vt.

I think I never wanted to see you so much:—in fact, that I never wanted to see anybody so much, (unless ‘twas Harmony,) as I have you the past ten days—to talk over General Grant. / I’d give anything for a day or two with you just now sitting or strolling around, and letting our converse run freely, where it would, through the whole subject. Your heart is full of it, I know, and mine certainly is [MTP].

Daniel Whitford for Alexander & Green wrote, enclosing papers served on the Century Co. about Gerhardt having all rights to the photo that Mr. Howe had taken [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.