August 8, 1885 Saturday 

August 8 Saturday – Grant’s funeral and procession included 60,000 members of the military assigned by President Cleveland. Sam was not in the funeral, but took a place in the window of Webster & Co. overlooking Union Square. He stood for five hours watching as the procession worked its way north through the City, passing along 14th Street toward Fifth Avenue [Perry 231]. Kaplan says 40,000 military. A lot, anyway. The procession included twenty-four black horses pulling the catalfque, and in the throng a President and two ex-Presidents rode [Kaplan 279]. Sam did not attend services at the temporary tomb [MTNJ 3: 173]. He wrote that after five hours of watching the procession he “plowed thorugh the sidewalk crowd up Fifth avenue to 40th st.” [174].

In Hartford’s 1st Regiment ArmoryTwichell gave an address for Grant’s memorial services there [Twichell’s journal, Yale].

Edgar Wilson (Bill) Nye wrote a rather whimsical letter about rheumatism, sore eyes and piles. He sent his congrats at Sam’s success [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.