August 24, 1885 Monday

August 24 Monday – Sam and Livy left the children with the Cranes at Quarry Farm and took a trip to Albany, where they stayed at the home of Dean Sage [MTNJ 3: 179n5; The Twainian, Sept-Oct. 1956, p4].

Livy’s diary entry:

Mr Clemens and I started today to visit some acquaintances in the Catskills. We had a long days journey, being obliged to wait three hours in Binghampton. We arrived at Albany about seven in the evening. Mr Dean Sage met us at the station, and took us out to his summer place, Hillside, about three miles from Albany. We have had a delicious supper and a pleasant chat this evening. One can not see Mr & Mrs Sage with out being brightened up in all sorts of ways, they are such live people [MTP].

William Hamersley wrote about finances and the Paige typesetter with co. formation [MTP].

E.J. Johnson for Johnson Business Exchange, Cincinnati, sent a pre-printed postcard offering to buy patents [MTP].

Daniel Whitford for Alexander & Green, three letters enclosed, about Webster’s letter to the public, and other matters with the copied circular [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.