September 29, 1885 Tuesday 

September 29 Tuesday – Fred Hall informed Sam that Colonel Fred Grant was planning on writing a biography of his father, taking up the story where the Memoirs left off. Sam left the negotiations to Charles Webster. Fred Grant asked for more than what was possible and the biography was never published [MTNJ 3: 201n58].

R.L. Blakeman wrote from Troy, NY, rather humble about correcting Sam’s French; he cited a professor of French there and concluded though there were flaws in Sam’s French, “that is a small matter compared to the many valuable things you have written” [MTP].

Frank Fuller wrote from NYC: “Your telegram is here & I have a minute in which to say that as a month or two will pass before action is needed, I will be greatly indebted to you if you will tell me all about it” [MTP].

Robert U. Johnson for Century Magazine wrote:

We thank you for sending us the letter from Mr Putnam of Virginia City concerning General Dent’s prediction of Grant’s prominence in the War. We have already written to Mr Putnam to say that it would give us great pleasure to print a brief note on the subject. / Did you overlook my inquiry in regard to the compensation for “The Campaign That Failed,” or does your modesty forbid a reply? [MTP]. NoteCharles A.V. Putnam.

Charles J. Langdon wrote “I read your leter to John Arnot & we discussed the matter. John says that he has been so badly hurt in all his outside ventures that he cannot bring himself to go into any more of the kind.” He complained that ‘things very blue in our future. She is pretty nearly played out in health and money, & the situation is fast wearing me out’ ” [MTP]. Note: Sam was likely trying to entice the wealthy Arnot into investing in the typesetter.

Daniel Whitford for Alexander & Green wrote twice, both about Col. Grant’s “swagger” and appearance in the Webster office [MTP].

Webster & Co. per Frederick J. Hall wrote of business matters: binding totals, General Agent reports & the Co. share of profits on each type of binding; Col. Fred Grant had been in and talked about doing a biography of his father, but would do nothing until he talked to Clemens [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Proportion of profits”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.