October 3, 1885 Saturday

October 3 Saturday – Sam’s notebook:

I think I’ve struck a good idea. It is to reduce a series of big maps to mere photographic fly-specks & sell them together with a microscope of ¼ to 1 inch focal distance. By this means I could conveniently examine my synchromatic map which is 36 ft long [MTNJ 3: 196]. (See also note 48.)

Sam wrote from Hartford, for Livy, to Candace Wheeler, thanking her for “the fragrant cushion” and saying Livy would “be most glad to welcome” her “& Miss Wheeler on the 9th, & so shall I also.” Livy was “a trifle ailing” and so Sam was standing in [MTP].

Henry Ward Beecher wrote, “Yes—the MSS. came duly & safely—Grant’s in heaven—I wish I had been there too, before agreeing to deliver his eulogy!” [MTP]. Note: Twain agreed to send some proofs of Grant’s Memoirs.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.