October 6, 1885 Tuesday 

October 6 Tuesday  Sam added the PS paragraph to his Oct. 5 letter to Sherman. If Sherman wished to disregard Sam’s advice and go ahead and publish, he needed to remember:

Tom, Dick or Harry can reduce the size of his footprint if he wants to, but Hercules can’t. He must leave a No. 19 track behind him all the time [MTP].

Sam left Hartford in the morning and traveled to Pittsfield, Mass., where he was to give a reading the next day for the Wednesday Morning Club for young ladies, an engagement he’d promised Anna Dawes while in Washington on Mar. 1 (See Mar. 1 entry; Sept. 23 to Finlay). Sam was a guest of William R. Plunkett, a “leading citizen and public official of Pittsfield” [MTNJ 3: 196n47].

E.S. Cunningham wrote from Melbourne, Australia. “Since my return from your country I have had the pleasure of widely spreading the news that you are likely to visit us.” HF had “boomed” there [MTP].

Webster & Co. wrote sales amounts and expense list on the Grant books, having rec’d his of the 5th[MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.