Submitted by scott on

July 18 Monday – In Elmira Sam sent thanks to an unidentified man for sending him a copy of “The Beecher Memorial,” which he already had. Sam mentioned he had been working on a book for three years that was “nearly half done” [MTP].

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam about James Paige’s newly developed electro-magnetic motor, thought to be revolutionary, and when perfected “would give us all the money we should need in starting the Type Setter” [MTNJ 3: 338n111].

Frederick J. Hall for Webster & Co. Wrote to Sam: Charles Webster arrived home last Friday but had not yet returned to the office; Hall sent a check covering the amount of the two checks from Am. Pub. Co. and Slote. The preface for Library of Humor was received. Should he facsimile it? He did not find any selections from Howell’s works. On the envelope, Sam wrote, “Check enclosed. Yes, fac simile it. Send to Clark for selections from Howells” [MTP].

James W. Paige (H.W. Beadle to Paige July 18 enclosed) wrote to Sam “I enclose herewith Mr. Beadle’s note to me which explains its-self, He is to send me copies of the claims tomorrow.” H.W. Beadle, patent atty., reported his “careful examination” of the patent application for the “driver device” and was of the opinion that “there is proper basis in your application, for claims which will cover clearly, and fully, the device used by Mergenthaler” [MTP]. Note: Beadle had written on Jan 11, 1886 relating to existing patents on aspects of the typesetter.

Check #  Payee  Amount  [Notes]

3792  Sylvester Baxter  50.00  Reporter

Note: Baxter was involved in raising money for the welfare of Walt Whitman; this may have been an additional contribution by Sam.

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.