July 11, 1887 Monday

July 11 Monday – Sam must have been advised of Webster’s return, for he took the ten-hour trip to New York City, where he wrote Franklin G. Whitmore in Hartford. Sam sent Grant’s Memoirs for James Scrugham Quinn (RR agent) and wanted them given to him “right away before he can buy.” He wrote he was returning to Elmira the next day [MTP] NoteJ. Scrugham Quinn was Hartford ticket agent for the N.Y., N. Haven & Hartford RR.

Samuel S. Cox wrote from N.Y. having received Sam’s of July 9, and touched on the revisions needed in his proposed book, Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey [MTP].

James Fraser Gluck, Buffalo attorney wrote thanking Sam for his “kindness in forwarding the first part of MSS. Of ‘Finn’ which Mr. Larned has just rec’d. The whole can now be bound and placed on exhibition” [MTP]. Note: half of the MS was lost until 1996. Josephus N. Larned, Buffalo librarian and former co-editor with Sam on the Buffalo Express.

James W. Paige per Charles Van Schuyver wrote from Hartford to Sam having received his July 8. Paige thought the Tribune people were putting out false notices about their typesetter to “sell what stock they can”[MTP].

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam having received “several favors with enclosures…this morning.” Paige was still sick with dysentery, and “every thing is quiet at the Haynes St.” office. Whitmore “just mailed the Beech Creek dividends over. You have 52 shares preferred” [MTP].

Check #  Payee  Amount  [Notes]

3785  Mrs. Orion Clemens  100.00

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.