Submitted by scott on

July 25 Monday – In Elmira Sam wrote to his brother-in-law Charles Langdon for Livy, requesting $1,500 be remitted to Bissell & Co., Hartford bankers, with the check mailed to Franklin G. Whitmore. In the afternoon, Sam left for N.Y.C., and read the fourth volume of Metternich’s memoirs on the train in the evening (a ten-hour trip). He stayed at the St. James Hotel [to Livy July 26]. Note: See Gribben p.465.

Mollie Clemens wrote of the Keokuk hot wave which had “passed by” and of Ma being “real well, but no improvement of memory or hearing,” and that “Orion is better than he was for awhile.” She sent Jean a sachel for her birthday [MTP].

Pamela Moffett wrote from Oakland, Calif. To Sam and Livy by way of Orion: “I do not lay claim to any interest in Tennessee land. I have no objection to giving a quit claim deed to anybody [MTP].

Check #  Payee  Amount  [Notes]

3793  T.W. Crane  100.00  Brother-in-law

3796  Connecticut safe deposit co  10.00

3797  A. Vantine & Co  202.00  N.Y. Dept

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.