June 20 Saturday – The Clemens party left Paris on or about this day for Geneva, Switzerland. Powers puts their stay in Paris as four days [MT A Life 539]. In his July 10 to Robert Underwood Johnson, Sam wrote,
Just as we were leaving Paris we had a glimpse & a handshake of your wife — & it was a very pleasant way to wind up what had been a very pleasant week [MTP]. Note: the Mrs. was Katharine McMahon Johnson (1856-1924).
In Geneva, Sam and Livy installed Susy and Clara in a boarding school. “They were to study French with a family there while Papa, Mamma, and Aunt Sue took the waters,” first in Annecy, then in Aix-les-Bains, France [A. Hoffman 371-2]. Letters later sent to the girls address them to Mme. Ducroix at 16 rue de la Tour, Geneva [MTP].