January 11, 1892 Monday

January 11 Monday – In Ilsenburg, Sam’s notebook:

The night before we came away the old Fürstin & the Princess came over to supper & spent the evening. They are lovely people & good English scholars. The Fürstin is a poet, too. I spun yarns & she translated them to the company [NB 31 TS 21]. Note: Fürsten von Reuss.

Edgar W. (Bill) Nye, always the joker, typed a note to Sam:

I was very much interested in your article on “Mental Telegraphy” in one of the December magazines. So much so that I immediately wrote you, requesting the loan of $10.00, and then laid the letter aside, thinking that the subtle influences spoken of in your article, might communicate to you the fact that I was “hard up.” / Up to this date, I have received no letter or remittance. Will you kindly advise me if your wires are down? [MTP]. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Read!” perhaps implying he should include it in a reading [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.