March 18, 1892 Friday

March 18 Friday – In Menton, France, Sam responded to Dr. Richard Hodgsons Feb. 16 letter (see entry), and Livy added a line:

Dear Sir:

Your favor of Feb. 16 has been forwarded to me, and in answer I am sorry to be obliged to say that I possess none of the evidences which you mention.

My article was written before the day of Psychical Societies; at a time when people did not even consider such experiences as mine worth remembering, let alone recording and subjecting to examination. It is now (or will be, 6 or 7 weeks hence) fourteen years since the first part of my article was written, and the Wright incident was already a year or so old at the time. Documents do not stay with me over such lapses of time as that. / Truly yours, S.L. Clemens

I think Wm. H. Wright is still on the staff of the “Enterprise.” Virginia, Nev.

[Livy:] I am the other person concerned in the Durham incident, and it occurred just as stated by my husband in his article.

[“An Incident by ‘Mark Twain’ Verified,” by Walter F. Prince, Journal of the Am. Soc. For Psychical Research, Vol. XV Jan. 1921].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.