March 2, 1892 Wednesday

March 2 Wednesday – Sam and Livy were in transit to Menton, France.

Robert McClure, brother of Samuel S. McClure, wrote to Sam at his Paris address from his London office. Sam would forward this letter to Hall on Mar. 8.

Dear Mr. Clemens: —

I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 26th ult., also manuscript of the fifth article which I am having type-written and forwarded to New York.

I suspect that Webster & Co’s cable was inspired by my brother, to whom I wrote some time ago begging him to send me more copy immediately, in order that the publication of the letters in “The Illustrated London News” might not be interrupted.

I am exceedingly sorry to hear that you have been ill, and I trust that your visit to the Riviera will completely restore you to health and strength. / Yours faithfully… [MTP].

Note: the appearance of Sam’s Europe letters in this London newspaper is explained by this letter — Samuel McClure’s brother ran the England office for S.S. McClure’s. Sam wrote on the bottom of the letter for Hall to preserve it as proof that he’d completed the contract with McClure.

H.C. Stone wrote from Kansas City, Mo. to Sam, enclosing “a literary composition that was intended to be humorous,” called “An Open Letter To Mark Twain.” Stone jumped out of bed to write it, and did not ask for help or consideration about it [MTP]. Note: the piece is rambling, abstract and not notable.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.