March 21, 1892 Monday

March 21 Monday – In Menton, France Sam wrote to his sister, Pamela Moffett, whose letter (not extant) had found him.

Your letter has come, & finds me with a cold in the head which makes me want to swear, & rheumatic threatenings which make me afraid to. These are the first rheumatic suggestions which I have had since last Christmas (to amount to much), & I reckon they are due to your Christian Science. …

Livy & I are here alone — to get some healing weather. We left all the others at school in Berlin. We have been here 3 weeks. The courier [Joseph Verey] will take us to Pisa next Wednesday [Mar. 23] & then we shall go to Rome while he goes to Berlin & fetches the tribe.

Sam added that Susy had reached age 20 on Mar. 19, that he was “getting strong again” and that Livy was “doing pretty well,” but still complained that he could not write without disabling his shoulder [MTP].

In the evening Livy took a fall which Sam wrote about on Mar. 22 to daughter Susy.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.