March 24, 1892 Thursday

March 24 Thursday – Sam and Livy left Menton for Pisa, Italy with Joseph Verey, their courier. The plan was for Verey to leave them at Pisa and return to Berlin to guide the rest of the party to Rome. The entire trip from Menton to Rome was about 400 miles. Sam and Livy may have stayed in Pisa a day, but arrived in Rome on Mar. 27 [Mar. 27 to Chatto].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam

Yours of the 8th and 9th received. We make note of what you say about “Six Months in the Ranks” for cheap series and have written Murray for a copy. / I enclose herewith two copies of last instalment of “American Claimant”.

Hall also reported that the firm had paid “all those charges” from Mr. Halsey. McClure was paying very slowly and was good for it but “a good deal behindhand.” $2,000 was promised this week with the balance now due next week, with $5,500 being in arrears. The rest of the letter is given to the subject of buying out W.E. Dibble, bank notes, and the LAL. On the envelope Sam wrote in pencil: “I approve discounts. He will communicate with Daly at once. Wait, now, till we learn Daly’s mind.” In pen: “This doubles the bank burden” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.