March 25, 1892 Friday

March 25 Friday – Sam and Livy were in Pisa, Italy. Sam’s notebook lists the Eden Hotel:

Pisa, Mch. 25 & ‘6. Echo in Baptistery is the noblest & sweetest & richest & most resonant & long-sustained musical strain in the world. It is nearest like a chord of flutes, perhaps, or one of those orchestral combinations in Wagner with silver horns in it — but nothing can do more than merely approach it remotely, no combination of voices or instruments can reproduce or adequately imitate it — for there is no building but this one where the strain would not have a noticeable flatness about it as compared with this noble roundness & fullness. / Pisa. / Transparent cab horses. / Fur-collared & cuffed overcoats. / Pisa. / …Bright green umbrellas [NB 31 TS 33].

O.A. Jenison of Robert Smith & Co., state printers and binders in Lansing Mich., wrote to Sam, unable to “procure” a copy of IA, asking where he might find one [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.