September 29, 1892 Thursday

September 29 Thursday – In Florence Sam wrote a short notes to Frederick J. Hall. The first note:

Yours of the 19th containing M 2.086.5 received. Good — I needed it. Setting up housekeeping calls for rafts of inexpensive odds & ends that bulk-up a considerable expense before one gets through.

You sent out an enormous cargo of volumes in August [MTP].

Sam also sent a note to Franklin G. Whitmore, and noted they had not received the Hartford Courant for “several weeks. Please see what the matter is.” Likewise his subscription to The Nation had stopped and he wished it to “start up again.”

We have been located only a few days & are not wholly unpacked yet. However it is beginning to assume homelikeness [MTP].

Doctor William Wilberforce Baldwin returned to Florence and called upon Livy. Sam wrote he “read the law to Livy & she has entered upon a stern & exacting course of life” [Sept. 30 to Crane].

Sam’s notebook in Florence: “Sept. 29 — 610” [NB 32 TS 27].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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