December 16 Saturday

December 16 Saturday – In New York Sam moved to a better room at the Players Club. He completed the “Tale of the Dime-Novel Maiden,” which he began in a letter to Livy on Oct 17. In his Dec. 17 to Livy he wrote of moving into his new quarters on this evening and running across the tale which he’d misplaced.

Another gathering at the Lotos Club for Henry Irving took place in the evening. The N.Y. Times, p.5 of Dec. 17 reported the affair, and listed Mark Twain among those sending letters of regret. His cold and the change of rooms probably prevented his attending.

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam concerned about a Dec. 11 report in the St. Louis Republic that Sam was “confined” to his room with the grippe. “We are frightened by these repeated attacks. I am afraid you are worrying and working beyond your strength. Your genius flames brilliantly in the Century, the Cosmopolitan and the St. Nicholas. Your name is on all tongues.” [MTP].

Livy wrote to Sam. He received her letter (not extant) on Dec. 30 with two others from her, postmarked Dec. 18 and 19 [Dec. 30 to Livy].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.