December 14, 1893 Thursday

December 14 Thursday – In New York and still laid up, Sam wrote to Clarence C. Buel:

I am still in bed, & waiting for Dr. Rice to come & withdraw his prohibition.

I have been obliged to eat — couldn’t wait any longer, because I had a long fit of coughing which had to be stopped somehow or other. So don’t keep a place for me at table.

He also confided that he was waiting for Dr. Rice to allow him to talk [MTP]. Note: evidently Sam had accepted a dinner invitation from Buel after the talk at St. George’s Church.

Sam also wrote a letter of apology to Annie E. Trumbull. He was “laid up again” and unable to attend her play, The Masque of Culture, to be given Dec. 15 at Unity Hall in Hartford. He wanted it kept a secret “lest it get into print & Mrs. Clemens find it out.” He was “not abed, but do not go out of the house,” and had kept no appointments since Monday noon (Dec. 11), canceling all engagements for Saturday and Sunday (Dec. 16-17).

I have an engagement to talk to an audience of working men just around the corner here, this evening, & I would like to go there & explain why I cannot talk, but it is doubtful if I shall be allowed to. I have been hoping my cold would modify enough to let me get to Hartford, & so I have waited to see; but there is a stubborn & malignant cough attached which refuses to modify.

I am ashamed; I apologize; yet persist in remaining / Affectionately Yours / S.L. Clemens [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.