December 13, 1893 Wednesday

December 13 Wednesday – In New York on Dr. Clarence Rice’s letterhead, Sam wrote to Clarence C. Buel, asking if he might get “that Thursday talk put off?” due to his bad cough and cold. He was scheduled to give a lecture to the St. George’s Church Men’s Club on “Reminiscences of a Mississippi Pilot” on Dec. 14.

Sam also wrote on Players Club letterhead to Henry H. Rogers:

Dear Doctor Rogers:

I can’t feel sorry you had to postpone Chicago, for I think a little delay will be good medicine for Paige. Next week will be better for me, too, because I brought home a cold two sizes too large for me from New Jersey; & as you were not handy I had to call in Rice — & you can imagine the rest.

Sam also told about having no voice for his engagement the following night [MTHHR 27]. Note: On Dec. 19 Rogers would send powders for Sam’s cold. Sam did not speak to the Workingmen’s Society [Dec. 2 to Livy 2nd].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.