Submitted by scott on
July 27 Thursday – In Dublin, N.H. Sam added a PS to his July 26 to H.H. Rogers.

P. S. July 27’05

Here the letters are, at last! Clara thought she had sent them to me. I am hurrying them off to you, because I dasn’t read them again, I would blush to my heels to fill up with this unearned gratitude again, pouring out of the thankful hearts of these poor swindled people, who do not suspect you, but honestly believe I gave that money! [MTHHR 592]. Note: see July 26 to Rogers note.

In N.Y.C. H.H. Rogers replied to Sam’s July 13 (with “Jessus! but I had a narrow escape”).

I wish you would improve your spelling or get other people to. Either you are right and everybody else wrong, or everybody else is right in the present case and you are wrong.

The offensive remarks about being in the oil business and my changing places with you will be kept in mind until we meet.

If you do not want to come to Fairhaven, why don’t you say so? Why this indefinite talk?

Why this feigned sickness? Rice has been to Fairhaven with Calomel and leeches for two weeks, hoping to get relief himself by experimenting on you.

…. You need not waste any sympathy on Rice any more. He has graduated as a professional at poker.

The weather is hot and everybody is cross and I think that if you were here your amiability would be drawn on.

I cannot imagine what you are writing unless it is that you are apologizing for what you have done all these years. I knew your conscience would be touched up some time but hardly felt that you would do yourself justice. When the watermelons are ripe send us some. We are saving some cantaloups for you… [MTHHR 593-4].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Santissima has given me a creed. No—a watchword, “Never take anything for granted.” Kipling has given me another in his story “An Habitation Enforced”, or rather he has forcibly put into two words what I say often to myself in many words—“Wayte A. Whyle”. It’s the only true way to live. When you’re lying at night with weary wakeful eyes waiting for the dawn, just say “Wayte A. Whyle” [MTP TS 82]. Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Little Play in Mr. J.L. Smith’s Little Playhouse” [MTP TS 24].

Frederick A. Duneka wrote to thank Sam for his corrections of “Adam’s Diary,” and for the new MS of “Eve’s Diary,” which he felt was “fresh as the dawn, a very sweet and beautiful idyl.” He thought Harvey might be in Sam’s neighborhood in about ten days [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.