February 27, 1906 Tuesday

February 27 Tuesday – Sam went to Hartford; Katy Leary also went [Feb. 26 to Twichell; IVL below and Feb. 28].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Yesterday [Feb. 26] came a telegram from Hartford announcing Patrick’s death & when I told Mr. Clemens he was deeply moved. He was sitting in the Gladstone chair [see insert Gladstone chair] in the living room & after a moment he said “I must go to the funeral.” So this morning he went.

Mr. Clemens will spend tonight with the Twichells & tomorrow night with the Whitmores, & how happy that will make them. How glad Mrs. Whitmore will be. … The weather has changed & it is very, very cold [MTP TS 37-38].

George J. Helmer for Infirmacy of Osteopathy wrote to Sam. “Your letters to the Assemblyman and Senator just received. I thank you for calling my attention to the fact that the circular letter was more in the form of a command than a request. Am glad that seventy years has not dulled your vision for the abnormal” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.