February 23, 1906 Friday

February 23 Friday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Last night Mr. Clemens dined with the Norman Hapgoods. He said this morning that the Hapgood dinners are best avoided, for there are always too many people there—too many big people. Mr. Fry the new assistant Curator of the Museum was there, doubtless a charming man, but not very talkative, & Robert W. Chambers, Mr. Clemens had no chance to talk with, & altogether he came home very tired & not inspired. Dorothea Gilder went up to the dinner with him [MTP TS 34]. Note: Note: Roger E. Fry, Englishman, artist and art critic, was curator of paintings for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He later wrote several books on art.

Clemens’ A.D.   for this day: Clemens tells how he became a business man—Mentions his brother Orion’s autobiography [AMT 1: 376-379].

W. Vernon wrote to advise he would be in NY on the 27 and 28 and wished to make an appointment with Ashcroft and with Sam’s counsel [MTP]. Note: this letter is addressed to Ashcroft, and likely forwarded by him to Sam, together with Ashcroft’s Feb. 23 to Lauterbach.  Vernon then wrote the following letter to Sam:

I have received a letter from Mr. Ashcroft, saying that you would take part in no negotiations in which Mr. Butters or Mr. Wheeler had to do. When I was in New York, it was arranged that Mr. Hammond (and with Mr. Wheeler’s consent) that he should withdraw entirely from the Plasmon matter. There never has been any question of having any dealings with Mr. Butters, as nobody wishes to have anything to do with him. The opinion expressed about this was universal.

Wilson encouraged Sam to attend the meeting with him, Ashcroft, Sam’s attorney, and Hammond, on Tuesday Feb. 27.  If not then, Wilson would like to see Sam on Wed., Feb. 28 [MTP] Note: Lyon wrote on the letter Sam’s directives: “Telephone Ashcroft- / Read the letter / Hammond gone to Mexico? / Can’t see why he should be present / Counsel knows more than / he does—their affair to know / what do to—If Ash or counsel thngs he ought to be there / he’ll go."

Candace Wheeler wrote from NYC to Sam.

My Dear Mr Clemens

The 4 of March, on Sunday, at three o’clock, we expect to have a little very good singing and a few very delightful people. Really delightful people I will say, since I hope you will be hear and the Gilders and the Doubledays and McElways & Choates—all of them of the kind that are worth while, and no one who is not–not one, even as an attachment [MTP]. Note: She also asked if Jean and Clara might come. Lyon wrote on the letter, “Cannot make any plans for daughters but should like to know how long it will hang on for he has an engagement to talk on 59 St at 3:45 … / Telephone / Hope to get there”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.