21 August 2022
February 1 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam wrote to Andrew Carnegie. “I am requested to ask you to read the accompanying letter, and I comply, not reluctantly but with pleasure” [MTP]. Note: The letter enclosed not specified.
Sam also sent an inscribed copy of TA to Frank B. Swigart: “Let us save tomorrows for work” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Frederic Remington.
The book is exceedingly interesting, & I thank you very much for sending it to me. Up to 1811 (steam navigation) those vast rivers were not valuable; they were valuable 60 years (until 1870); they have had no value since; they have been flowing a million years. The questions arises, what were they made for, anyway? [MTP]. Note: Gribben identifies the book as History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, etc. by Hiram Martin Chittenden (1858-1917); the book was inscribed: “To Saml L. Clemens / from / Frederic Remington / 1906” [141].
Clemens’ A.D. for this day continued the subject of Jan. 24 about Joe Twichell’s unpopular vote for Grover Cleveland [AMT 1: 319-323].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
Poultny [sic] Bigelow joined us at tea today. He looked worried & white for the great controversy he has stirred up in the government by his article on Panama has brought disaster to him. He is too honest, too fearless. He lost the friendship of Emperor William by his frank statements, and now he has lost the friendship of President Roosevelt [MTP TS 21].
James A. Renwick sent a note of receipt for $291.67 for Feb. rent [MTP].
Sam also sent an inscribed copy of TA to Frank B. Swigart: “Let us save tomorrows for work” [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Frederic Remington.
The book is exceedingly interesting, & I thank you very much for sending it to me. Up to 1811 (steam navigation) those vast rivers were not valuable; they were valuable 60 years (until 1870); they have had no value since; they have been flowing a million years. The questions arises, what were they made for, anyway? [MTP]. Note: Gribben identifies the book as History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, etc. by Hiram Martin Chittenden (1858-1917); the book was inscribed: “To Saml L. Clemens / from / Frederic Remington / 1906” [141].
Clemens’ A.D. for this day continued the subject of Jan. 24 about Joe Twichell’s unpopular vote for Grover Cleveland [AMT 1: 319-323].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
Poultny [sic] Bigelow joined us at tea today. He looked worried & white for the great controversy he has stirred up in the government by his article on Panama has brought disaster to him. He is too honest, too fearless. He lost the friendship of Emperor William by his frank statements, and now he has lost the friendship of President Roosevelt [MTP TS 21].
James A. Renwick sent a note of receipt for $291.67 for Feb. rent [MTP].
Entry Date
Feb 01, 1906 - Thu