21 August 2022
February 6 Tuesday – Elisabeth Marbury wrote to Sam proposing a 2 ½ to 3 ½ % royalty if she sold Paul Kester’s verson of TS. Sometime later the note is annotated “satisfactory” [MTP].
Clemens’ A.D. for this day: Playing “The Prince and the Pauper”—Acting charades, etc. [AMT 1: 334-341].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
This afternoon late, I took Teresa over to the Post Graduate Hospital. She is ill, poor girl and after trying in vain to do her work and rapidly growing iller with stomach trouble, almost an ulceration of the stomach, Dr. Halsey gave orders for her to be taken there. When I reached home it was after seven and I thought Mr. Clemens would be gone to his dinner with Mr. David Munro and others at The Players; but he wasn’t—he and Robert Reid stood in the middle room smoking and waiting for me to come in to give them some music. Scotch music. I played “The Campbells are Coming” for the pleasure of those two men. Robert Reid is so very tall, and big too, fine strong shoulders [MS TS 25; also Gribben 115 in part]. Note: Dr. Robert Hurtin Halsey (1873-1955), would doctor Clemens until his death in 1910, and was a founder of the American Heart Assoc. Being in medicine, his middle name was unfortunate.
Clemens’ A.D. for this day: Playing “The Prince and the Pauper”—Acting charades, etc. [AMT 1: 334-341].
Isabel Lyon’s journal:
This afternoon late, I took Teresa over to the Post Graduate Hospital. She is ill, poor girl and after trying in vain to do her work and rapidly growing iller with stomach trouble, almost an ulceration of the stomach, Dr. Halsey gave orders for her to be taken there. When I reached home it was after seven and I thought Mr. Clemens would be gone to his dinner with Mr. David Munro and others at The Players; but he wasn’t—he and Robert Reid stood in the middle room smoking and waiting for me to come in to give them some music. Scotch music. I played “The Campbells are Coming” for the pleasure of those two men. Robert Reid is so very tall, and big too, fine strong shoulders [MS TS 25; also Gribben 115 in part]. Note: Dr. Robert Hurtin Halsey (1873-1955), would doctor Clemens until his death in 1910, and was a founder of the American Heart Assoc. Being in medicine, his middle name was unfortunate.
Entry Date
Feb 06, 1906 - Tue