June 4, 1907 Tuesday

June 4 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: We dined with the Ronalds’s tonight. She was like a pretty marquise, and it was nice to fly along home in the electric jigger. The King was in behind a bank of green stuff and so I couldn’t see him at all, but he wore his white clothes, and was beautiful to look upon.

I came home very much exhausted and threw myself on the bed in my evening gown to read a letter from Mother…[MTP TS 64].

Bliss Carman, wrote to Sam. “If you should meet Mr. [Mitchell] Kinnerly, who is to be a fellow passenger with you on Saturday, pray recognize him as one of the decent people of the world” [MTP].

Oscar T. Crosby wrote for the New York Cahill Telharmonic Co. to Sam thanking him for his kind words which would be helpful when transmitted to the Mayor [MTP]. See After May 22 for Sam’s earlier reply.

K. Minoura wrote from Tokyo, Japan on “Hochi Shimbun” letterhead (“The Oldest News Paper In Japan”) to ask Sam for “A few words from your pen” on any “opinion on things Japanese” [MTP]. 


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.