March 2, 1871 Thursday

March 2 Thursday  Sam advertised his Buffalo house for sale at $25,000, what it cost Jervis Langdon a year before [MTL 5: 338].

In a letter to his brother on Mar. 4, Sam identified this day as when he decided to “go out of the Galaxy” with a last “Memoranda” column [MTL 4: 341].

Frank Church wrote to Sam on this day, trying to placate him about the column:

You certainly didn’t read the notice concerning the omission of the March Memoranda aright. I only said that the department would be continued as usual “next month” I had no idea of committing you to its indefinite continuance.

I thought it was understood that your farewell was to go in & with it your postscript & then some words of mine…

Of course, my dear fellow, I shall not keep the name Memoranda. I had no idea of it.


And can’t you work up some thing to start the new department—why not one of the things already in type? But I will have the plates of those pages destroyed, so that they need never arise to bother you if you don’t want them. / Don’t let us quarrel nor shall we, if I can help it by doing the square thing. / Truly F.P.C. [MTP].

James Sutton wrote from the office of The Aldine to acknowledge Sam’s letter to Mr. Chick; Sutton was filling in for Chick [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.